There is always something going on at DC Church. Below you'll find an assortment of our many events, activities, ministry outreach opportunities, weekly/monthly gatherings and bible studies. Get connected at DC Church today!
Ladies, our DC Church Spring Women's Event is Friday March 21st, from 6:30-9:00 pm at the Deep Creek Campus. Ladies Night Out: Spring Picnic, is a Spring Picnic themed supper event celebrating the Goodness of God.
The evening will include dinner, worship and a message from our guest speaker, Katelyn James Alsop. Katelyn is a Pastor's Kid, wife, Mom and professional photographer.
Early Bird price is $12.00. That price goes up to $15 on March 10th. Cost for Middle and High school girls is $5.00. Register today!
Men of DC Church - you are invited to join the Men's Ministry on Friday, March 7th at 6pm for a night of Corn Hole, Nachos and Fellowship. The cost is $10 per person. We invite all the chili chefs out there to bring your best pot of chili and see how it stacks up against the others! Younger men 13 - 17 years old are invited to attend with an adult male. Chips, queso and drinks will be provided. We will also take part in a Round-Robin Corn Hole Tournament. Register now!
Everyone is invited to join us on Friday, April 4th for Movie Night at the Deep Creek Campus. We will be watching "The Forge," a Christian film about a young man who discovers God's purpose for his life through the prayers of his mother and the discipleship of a successful businessman. This movie is rated PG. Admission is FREE and donations to assist students with the cost of camp will be accepted. Popcorn will be served. Doors open at 6pm and the movie will begin at 6:30pm.
Ladies, a new Bible study starts Tuesday night, February 11, 6:30-8:00pm at the home of Debbie Myers (only 3 minutes from Deep Creek Campus). In this study of Esther, Kelly Minter invites you into the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith developed over time, rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world. Although our time looks different from Esther's, our God is just as active and faithful today, and He has called you for such a time as this. Register now!
Join us every Tuesday night from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Concourse Room at the Deep Creek Campus. This is a Bible study for those who serve on Sunday mornings and are not able to attend a Connect Group, however, everyone is invited. We will be studying books of the Bible and going through various topical studies.
Pastor Larry's bible study class meets Wednesday afternoons at 2:00pm in the Concourse Room at the Deep Creek Campus. This Bible study offers a place to connect with other believers and to grow in our understanding of the Bible, as Jesus' own small group of disciples did; making you part of a family. We should not become satisfied with simply learning what the Bible says, but rather, we should strive together to obey God's inspired instruction to our hearts.
Join us at 10:00am Sundays in the West Portsmouth Concourse Room for Pastor Cal's Pastor's Class.
Young Adult small groups meet throughout the week. Choose one that is convenient for you.
Sunday Mornings at 9:30am - Young Adult group meeting at Deep Creek in Room 216.
Thursday Nights at 7:30pm - Young Adult group meeting in the Youth Space.
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. KidzJam is a mid-week worship experience with music, games and Bible stories for kids in grades K through 5th at Deep Creek and 3 years old through 5th grade at West Portsmouth.
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Our three and four year olds enjoy Friendship Factory, where kids connect with Jesus and each other! Each night at the factory, our preschoolers will engage in a Bible lesson, craft, snack and fun worship music, based on our monthly Bible story.
Students from both DC Church locations gather together for Connect Nights in the gym at the Deep Creek Campus Sunday evenings from 5:00pm-7:00pm. The night consists of food, games, worship lead by our student band, a relevant message, and small groups. Connect Nights provide an environment for students to be themselves and connect with God and other students. These are great opportunities for students who want to grow deeper in their faith, as well as those who are looking to begin a relationship with Jesus.
The WMU (Women's Missionary Union) is for women ages 16 and up. WMU meets on the 2nd Monday of every month in the Deep Creek Campus Concourse Room. This is a great opportunity for Bible study, fellowship and community outreach.
Calling all moms of children of all ages- infants, preschoolers, and beyond! DC Church's MOPS group is now called The MomCo. MomCo stands for Mom Community and the DC MomCo group is now accepting registrations. Starting in September, meetings are held on the first and third Thursday mornings of every month from 9:15 to 11:15 am, at the Deep Creek Campus. Child care is provided. You'll enjoy fellowship, devotionals, crafts, monthly playdates, Mom's Night Outs, and so much more! But if you join NOW, you can enjoy Summer Play Dates too. For more information email: